Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thing #7 Web Communication Tools

Staff doesn't use text messaging nor instant messaging as a way to communicate at work. People either phone or email. So that's not in our culture. We aren't working with teenagers and that probably makes a big difference. It's also a company that doesn't issue blackberries to its staff. Most people are issued cell phones, but not the librarians. I'm also one of the last people (I think) who doesn't have a personal cell phone. So I don't see this kind of messaging happening for me.

I have, however, participated in several web conferencing seminars, mainly for Nexis training, but a couple of other vendors as well. I think they are highly effective.

So this "thing" is kind of a bust for me. I'm not in that kind of environment.

1 comment:

Jonah said...

Hi Miss Millie,

This is Jonah from Yugma ( Wanted to let you know that Yugma is web conferencing service that allows people to instantly share desktops, applications, content and ideas over the web. Yugma works with Windows, Mac and Linux users. Our basic service is free and allows you to invite up to 10 other people in your meeting. Our service offers teleconferencing; the ability to change presenters, whiteboard, drawing and annotation tools, private and public chat, and customizable widgets-so people can easily join you in a meeting. When you have a chance, please check us out and let us know what you think.

Have a great day!
